Meditation for weight loss

 Meditation for weight loss

                           Meditation for weight loss

Meditation is an ancient practice that encompasses a variety of methods designed to calm the mind and enhance both mental and physical well-being. More research works on the effect of meditation on eating habits and weight loss have emerged in recent years. Though recent research results are mixed, some reviews suggest that meditation can positively affect eating habits and may help support weight loss in some people. Meditation is linked to a variety of benefits. In terms of weight loss, mindfulness meditation seems to be the most helpful. 

The Connection Between Mind and Body-

The mind-body connection is a term that refers to the intricate relationship between our mental and emotional state and our physical health.

Meditation for weight loss

It’s the concept that our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning. In other words, our minds can influence how healthy our bodies are, and vice versa. This connection is not just about the power of the mind over the body. It’s about recognizing that our physical health and mental health are intertwined and inseparable. It’s also about understanding the body’s ability to influence our mental state.

Types of Meditation-

There are several types of meditation used today. Some of these common types of meditation include-

Mantra-based meditation:

 Mantra-based meditation (MBM) is a type of meditation that focuses on a repeated phrase or mantra. This mantra can have religious or spiritual significance but can also be a phrase outside of religious context. The intention of MBM is to use the sounds of a repeated mantra to help override mental speech and subconscious thoughts that can often impact or increase mental stress. Transcendental meditation, which focuses on the repetition of non-religious mantras, is one of the most common forms of MBM. Other forms of MBM include Benson relaxation, Jyoti meditation, clinically standardized meditation (CSM), and ACEM meditation.

Mindfulness meditation:

 Mindfulness meditation is a popular type of meditation that focuses on training your focus, attention, and acceptance. Though specific techniques can vary, one of the goals of mindfulness meditation is to help you tune into the present moment. Techniques to help you tune into the present moment can include focusing on the breath, the physical sensations of the body, feelings that arise, and your immediate physical surroundings. After focusing on these sensations, mindfulness helps you to learn how to observe these qualities without judgment. In other words, mindfulness practices are aimed at helping you observe and tune into the present without reacting to any sensations or feelings that arise in the moment. Types of mindfulness practices and interventions include mindfulness-based stress reduction (MSBR), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), and mindfulness-based eating. Mindfulness techniques can also be incorporated into yoga practices.

Spiritual meditation:

 Spiritual meditation can encompass the techniques used in MBM or mindfulness meditation but with an integral religious or spiritual component. People who practice spiritual meditation may practice on their own or in a spiritual community.

Does Meditation Work for Weight Loss?

There have been several studies published in recent years examining the effects of mindfulness and meditation on managing weight and eating behaviors. Though the results of existing research are mixed, there are some things to keep in mind if you’re interested in incorporating meditation for weight loss:

1- In a systematic review of 18 publications, people who incorporated mindfulness-based interventions into their lives, including meditation, lost an average of 3.5% of their initial body weight.

2- The same review found that mindfulness-based interventions can be especially effective at managing certain eating behaviors, such as binge eating.

3- One randomized clinical trial from 2016 found that mindfulness-based eating and stress management practices did not increase weight loss in individuals already following a diet and exercise program but that these practices may promote long-term improvement in some aspects of metabolic health, including fasting glucose levels.

More research is needed to determine whether meditation is an effective treatment for weight loss and weight loss maintenance. However, existing research shows that in some people, meditation and other mindfulness-based practices can help to improve their relationship with food and eating as well as specific aspects of their metabolic health.

How can I start meditating for weight loss?

Anyone with a mind and body can practice meditation. There’s no need for any special equipment or expensive classes. For many, the hardest part is simply finding the time. Try to start with something reasonable, such as 10 minutes a day or even every other day. Once you’re in a quiet place, make yourself comfortable. You can sit or lie down in any position that feels easy. Start by focusing on your breath, watching your chest or stomach as it rises and falls. Feel the air as it moves in and out of your mouth or nose. Listen to the sounds the air makes. Do this for a minute or two, until you start to feel more relaxed.
 Next, with your eyes open or closed, follow these steps:
  1. Take a deep breath in. Hold it for several seconds.
  2. Slowly exhale and repeat.
  3. Breathe naturally.
  4. Observe your breath as it enters your nostrils, raises your chest, or moves your belly, but don’t alter it in any way.
  5. Continue focusing on your breath for 5 to 10 minutes.
  6. You’ll find your mind wandering, which is completely normal. Just acknowledge that your mind has wandered and return your attention to your breath.
  7. As you start to wrap up, reflect on how easily your mind wanders. Then, acknowledge how easy it was to bring your attention back to your breath.
Try to do this more days of the week than not. Keep in mind that it might not feel very effective the first few times you do it. But with regular practice, it’ll get easier and start to feel more natural.

Benefits of Meditation

The popularity of meditation and mindfulness outside of Eastern spaces has grown in recent years. As a result, there has been an increase in research on the benefits of meditation and mindfulness on mental and physical health. Several studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses have shown that different types of meditation can lead to a wide array of benefits in some people, including:

Sustainable weight loss

Meditation is linked to a variety of benefits. In terms of weight loss, mindfulness meditation seems to be the most helpful. A 2017 review of trusted Sources of existing studies found that mindfulness meditation was an effective method for losing weight and changing eating habits. Mindfulness meditation involves paying close attention to:
  • where you are
  • what you’re doing
  • how you’re feeling in the present moment.
During mindfulness meditation, you’ll acknowledge all of these aspects without judgment. Try to treat your actions and thoughts as just those — nothing else. Take stock of what you’re feeling and doing but try not to classify anything as being good or bad. This becomes easier with regular practice.

Other benefits of Weight loss-

  • Reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure
  • Reducing anxiety and depression
  • Reducing chronic stress
  • Reducing chronic pain and improving pain management
  • Reducing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms
  • Improving attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms
  • Improving sleep quality and insomnia symptoms
  • Improving overall mental health (including in people with cancer)
  • Improving cardio-metabolic factors
  • Supporting substance use disorder treatment
  • Managing eating behavior,
It’s important to note that some research shows that meditation can have adverse effects on some people, including an increase in depression or anxiety. One review from 2020 found that about 8% of participants experienced a negative effect after practicing meditation. These findings suggest that meditation can affect people differently. Before starting meditation, it’s important to weigh its potential benefits and risks for you and your health.


Can you lose weight by meditation?
Various studies and reviews have produced conflicting results regarding the effects of meditation on weight loss. However, certain research suggests that meditation, particularly mindfulness-based eating practices, may assist individuals in shedding a small amount of weight by improving eating habits that contribute to weight gain, such as binge eating.

Can meditation reduce belly fat?
There is inadequate evidence to support the claim that meditation can aid in reducing belly fat. Nevertheless, meditation offers a plethora of other advantages such as enhanced mood and mental well-being, improved sleep quality, decreased pain, better memory and cognitive resilience, and reduced stress levels.

Final verdicts-

Meditation, especially mindfulness meditation, can be a useful part of your weight loss plan. Over time, it can help you make lasting changes to your eating habits, thought patterns, and even how you feel about your weight. Try setting aside 10 minutes a day to get started.

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